Saturday, April 21, 2012

Finally, your testosterone levels are no longer limited by your own biology. Breakthrough and legal steroid delivery system gives you a massive infusion of anabolic steroid like ingredients.  Grow lean muscle mass, recover from workouts faster and more completely and rapidly metabolize your body fat. At the same time, drives your sexual performance and sex drive through the roof. Keep reading to learn about this breakthrough...


Feeding your body with a massive infusion of anabolic and testosterone  ingredients, Tren N.D.S from  American Cellular Labs dramatically increases your body's ability to grow lean muscle mass, recover from workouts faster and more completely and rapidly metabolize your body fat.

In any sport, when you train to push past plateaus and build a hard, lean, muscular physique that guys will envy and women will desire, you must provide your body with an anabolic environment that promotes rapid new muscular growth. This environment requires high levels of anabolic and androgenic hormones, without which, your body will not improve very fast. And that’s where the revolutionary new anabolic agent Tren N.D.S, really excels. Read on to discover how Tren N.D.S works its anabolic, fat burning, sex drive-enhancing magic, how it protects you from unwanted side effects, and how for a limited time, you can even get a bottle for free!

Oral Steroids work great, but they are toxic to your liver and often cause unwanted side-effects.  Injectable steroids are probably a better option, but they are illegal and often counterfeit.  Tren N.D.S is neither toxic nor illegal; it is a technologically advanced delivery system that allows you to increase your testosterone levels, and levels of other anabolic hormones, quickly and safely, while creating the perfect environment for rapid muscle growth.

 So what will Tren N.D.S do for me?

In the first couple days, or sooner, expect:
  • Improved cognitive focus, motivational energy & drive.
  • Improved libido, sexual performance, and potency.
  • Improved digestive system.
In two to three weeks expect:
  • An anabolic environment that forces your body to build lean muscle mass.
  • A thermogenic enhancement in your body’s ability to burn fat - resulting rapid fat loss.
  • Enhanced strength and stamina during a workout and faster recovery time.
  • Increased sexual performance in the bedroom and better sleep quality.
  • Improvements in general sense of well-being.
In three to four months expect:
  • A radical change in your body composition.
  • Dramatic fat loss with increased muscle mass, which makes you stronger, leaner, and remarkably more muscular.
Even without changes in diet or exercise, Tren N.D.S will cause an improvement in your body composition. Expect a 2-3 lb. loss in fat coinciding with a 2-3 lb. gain in lean muscle within a 4-6 week period.

This desirable change in your body composition is most noticeable when proper "pre" and "post" measurements and photos are taken.  As with any muscle building product, the best results are obtained when combined with high protein intake, weight training, and sufficient rest.

Sounds good, now how does it work?

Testosterone Boosting
Tren N.D.S is composed of 9,000mg of active ingredients. TREN NUTRIGENOMICS Dietary Supplement (TREN NDS) – TREN xtreme was the original powerhouse of anabolic products.  TREN xtreme has evolved into a heavily researched and wanted anabolic supplement.  American Cellular Labs Mass Project is a nutrient system and has partnered with N.I.S. (Nutrigenomics Industry Standard and the Mass Project was born. TREN NDS is a one month supply that is a 20 pack system with four specialized nutrient groups. The first group is called STING, which specializes in increasing stamina and sex drive by heavily stimulating the adrenal glands. The second group is ANDRO-TECH which specializes in free forming testosterone, this complex helps testosterone bio-availability. ANDRO-TECH will increase the FAI (the Free Androgen Index). The third group NUTRITION ASSIMILATION specializes in advanced muscle absorption, there would be no point in taking all these nutrient complexes if they can't be metabolized. NUTRITION ASSIMILATION helps transport nutrients and will also bypass the liver for proper absorption as well as help with being anti-catabolic.  The fourth group ANABOLIC REACTION specializes in molecular growth.  Molecular growth is necessary to break down protein which increases protein synthesis, this will help you stay anabolic and help repair muscle tissue.Tren N.D.S fuels your body with the high-octane, adrenaline-pumping, rock-crushing power that raises performance to a new level. When a synergistic mega dose of 9,000mg  is delivered in your system, it’s forced to convert to more anabolic and androgenic properties. 

How do I take it?

Dosage and Directions:

1. Administer  ½ pack of Tren N.D.S with breakfast and the rest before Bed.
2.Hardcore Dose ½ pack with breakfast ½ pack lunch ½ pack mid afternoon  ½ pack before bed.
3. Only take Tren N.D.S five day per week.
4. Tren N.D.S can be cycled up to  12 weeks at a time.

Where can I buy this product?

 Ps. All order get free t-shirts!  Coupon Code: ELITEFIT

Stay fit

Protein Wizard


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